I am walking through another door He has opened. I submitted my manuscript to a writing contest through Women of Faith. I hadn't planned on going to Women of Faith and decided at the last minute to go. I didn't notice the contest listed in the material, but a friend pointed it out to me. I had been hoping to hear already from the other door I walked through a month ago, but this is obviously not in my timing. I tell myself I have waited 13 years, what is a couple months?
This reminds me of the adoption process we went through 19 years ago. At one point I was severely disappointment with God following the loss of 2 children we tried to adopt. I had believed it was God's will only to later be devastated when another family was chosen for the 2 children. I had believed they were the ones. I look back and see God's hand all along. He had a plan much greater than mine and He gave me something I never wanted...A BABY! God knew my need~even though I would have argued that I never wanted a baby.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord (Isaiah 55:8).
So I will walk through this opened door. . . maybe this is the one? Only you know Lord and I trust in YOU.