"God is a God of second chances," Hope said after I took away her phone following her relentless talking back. Hope seems to have a way of bringing God's truth out at the perfect time. Some would call it manipulation, however, I believe she knows where to turn in times of trouble. I explained to Hope, "Yes our God is a God of second chances and we are forgiven for sins when we confess them. Jesus loves us and forgives us and I forgive you too and love you no matter what." Tears began to fall and her lip began to quiver as she questioned, "Really?"
Why is this so hard to believe sometimes? That we can be imperfect and still be loved. That we can make mistakes and God's mercy is new everyday. Maybe because man's love is so conditional. It is rare to find "unconditional love", "mercy and forgiveness". I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”
Galatians 2:20-21
Well, Hope still had her phone taken away and the computer...it was a rough night, but she knows she is loved and forgiven. However, there is always consequences to sin, but God's mercy is never ending.
This year I have been blessed beyond words and there is no other way to express my joy and thankful heart, but to give God the glory for what He has done. I have not made perfect choices along the path, but I serve a God of second chances. In this New Year reach out to the God of second chances He loves you more than anyone and His mercy is never ending. He knows your heart, he knows your struggles and He wants to bring you healing and forgiveness.
Happy New Year! To New Beginnings...remember we serve a God of second chances!