I was in a room full of people that were having a good time, but I was troubled. I was not sure why. I knew God wanted me to get on my knees and pray about what was bothering me. I felt embarrassed. What would the people think? Shouldn't I go somewhere private and pray. 'No' was the answer. I was to pray right there in the room. I searched for a place and I found a couch over against the wall. I lowered to my knees and bowed my head in obedience. Just as I began to pray several children came over and jumped on the couch. I was startled....awakened from my dream at that time.
We read in the Bible God spoke to people through their dreams...and He still does. Obedience to what God calls us to do~ without hesitation or concern for what others will think of us. Obedience is the answer to our difficulties. Reflecting back on the dream I realized I went directly to God for my comfort not the people in the room. God speaks to believers...not in an audible voice, but in a still small voice that we may know Him. (John 8:47)
Later the same day fear crept in and stole my thoughts. Remembering my dream I fell to my knees in obedience. My prayers were answered and I was fearless in the situation and blessed tremendously. Not because I did everything right, but I was obedient. What does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy 10:12. God is faithful and He hears ours prayers.
Is there something bothering you? Are you worried, concerned, consumed, fearful, unsure, confused or aimless? We don't have to figure it all out we can go directly to the creator of the universe. Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is ayone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. James 5:13
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